Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Yuri Manga Review: Candy Boy-Young Girls Fall In Love


Released in 2009-2010, Candy Boy-Young Girls Fall In Love is a spin-off of the Candy Boy manga from the same author. However, instead of following the ultra cute yuri filled lives of the Sakurai Twins, Young Girls Fall In Love follows the adventures of Sakuya Kamiyama, concurrent to the events of the original manga. The story of YGFIL follows Sakuya as she continues in her quest to get together with the love of her life, Kanade Sakurai, as well as dealing with her friendships with her friends as well as with her rivalalry for Kana with new character Isako Mikanagi!

Oh Sakuya, your perverted yuri lust for Kana never ceases to be awesome! XD

YGFIL adds three new characters to the Candy Boy cannon, making for a much more diverse cast than the original manga and anime. We are introduced to Sakuya's best friends Masumi Kurasuma and Eri Miyagi! Masumi is the token athletic sort of tomboy of the group, teasing Sakuya and the others for various reasons. Eri, Masumi's childhood best friend, adds a level of common sense to the wacky antics of the others. She is often the voice of reason and common sense but also has her own crazy cute side too! ;) These two are great additions to the Candy Boy franchise and there interesting personalities and habits are perfect compliments to Sakuya's side of the whole story! Not to mention the heavy hints of "something more" between these two! :D
Damn, I've heard of subtext before, but now it feels like the author is beating me over the head with a Yuri Stick! O.O

The most important addition to Candy Boy, however, is Isako Mikanagi. Her supposed feelings for Kana put her right at odds with Sakuya, making for a very fun and cute rivalry as these two try to one up each other for Kana's affections! Isako is more than just a simple rival thrown in for the plot's sake, however. Her back story really sheds some light on to her home life, her relationship with her mother, her personality, as well as on her friendships with Sakuya and the others. Isako greatly adds to Sakuya's story, as well as greatly expanding Sakuya's personality. Her greatest contribution to the story, though, is something that will change Sakuya's life forever! ;) 

There rivalry/friendship is just too damn cute! >.<
Isako's mom is pretty cool too! Not to mention important in helping to building Isako as a character

*GASP! What could this all mean?! O.O

Of course being a Candy Boy property, it wouldn't be complete without our beloved Sakurai Sisters now would it? ;) Kana, Yuri and even Shizuku make cameo appearances at key points in the manga. Usually it is to establish when certain events in YGFIL take place relative to the original manga, but they also help in the build up to the events above! ;) No matter what there role in the story though, it is always great to see the Sakurai Sisters in any way possible! XD

Kana, Yuki and Shizuku FTW! XD

YGFIL is one great manga! While it is shorter than the original manga(only 7 chapters plus one bonus chapter) it adds much more depth to Sakuya as a character and adds some really cool and important characters to the Candy boy franchise! Young Girls Fall In Love is a must read for all fans of Yuri and Candy Boy! Easily one of the most charming Yuri manga around! :)
Candy Boy-Young Girls Fall In Love score: 9/10

*Well, here is my first review for 2014! I hope you all had a fun, safe and Happy New Year! More reviews and news to come! Thanks you all for reading my blog last year! Now lets all have a great 2014 together! :)

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