Friday, August 23, 2013

Video Game Review: Final Fantasy 4 Interlude(PSP)

Final Fantasy 4 Interlude is a brand new game in the FF4 series. It is a brand new short story made exclusively for Final Fantasy 4 The Complete Collection to bridge the gap between FF4 and it's direct major sequel, Final Fantasy 4 The After Years.

Set roughly 1 year after the events of the original FF4. Interlude follows Cecil, Rosa and there friends continue the task of rebuilding there world after it had been ravaged by the war in the previous game. Cecil and Rosa are married and now rule the Kingdom of Baron as king and queen. As they rebuild there shaken realm and reforge once shattered alliances, A mysterious woman begins running around the world searching for the elemental crystals. Cecil and friends set out on a journey to find out the identity of this girl and her reasons for wanting the crystals. Considering this game was made only as an extra to help bridge the events between FF4 and The After Years, the game is over all VERY short! The story will last at best no more than a few hours and is not that difficult.
Gameplay wise, everything is the exact same as in the original FF4. Being a small in-between story that is to be expected. Nothing new or groundbreaking but still charming and fun. Refer to my review of Final Fantasy 4 for the details of the gameplay for Interlude. ;)
The same can be said for the graphics and presentation. Same old-school style graphics overhauled for the PSP and the same remixed soundtrack. Nothing new but still good. :)
That's all that really needs to be said about this game. The short story won't last you very long, only a few hours at best, even shorter for true FF4 veterans. The gameplay is the exact same as in the original game. Nothing more, nothing less. There are also no extras to this game to speak of. But so long as you just take it in conjunction with the other games on the UMD(PSP disk format) and don't expect a whole lot you will find some enjoyment in this mini adventure! :) Plus the story is still important to the whole package! ;)

Final Fantasy 4 Interlude(PSP) score: 7.5/10

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